Project Description
The project included a comprehensive site master plan designed by Tim Jachlewski, Jr. of In-Site Landscape Architecture and donated in kind to assist the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy achieve their vision for the future. The plan capitalizes on the cherished existing assets, including the historic adobe, Coast to Crest Trail and surrounding natural open space. The plan maximizes the site’s potential for programming and new amenities. Some of the proposed amenities are a multi-use barn, outdoor event spaces, shade structures and organic community gardens and orchards.
The $5000 grant will be used to:
Large Display Sign of the Master Plan at the site entrance: $750
Small Display Sign of the site Master plan at the Trail Kiosk: $250
Small portable Display sign for staff to bring to events: $50
Update of Park’s Web Site to include the plan and vision: $50
Irrigation for Eagle Scout Orchard Project and other plantings: $1,200
Native and Native Riparian Plants: $1,500
Labor to install plants (CDF work crews): $1,000
Planting of historic native grapes: $200
Quarterly publicity by publicist: $0 (provided in-house)
Construction management, field supervision, purchasing, outreach $0 (provided in-house)
Comprehensive Site Master Plan $0 (completed pro-bono)
Conceptual grading and drainage study $0 (completed pro-bono)
Total: $5,000
People who accepted the community grant award:
Lynne Anne Baker
Executive Director, San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority
Susan Carter
Deputy Director, San Dieguito River Park Joint Powers Authority
Anne Cooper
Museum Manager, Sikes Adobe Historic Farmstead
Amanda Toombs
Development & Communications Manager, San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy