ASLASD Stewardship Committee

DeLorenzo International 3990 Old Town Avenue, Ste A-204, San Diego, CA, United States

ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting 6pm RSVP to Jackie Higgins at


Latest MWELO Updates + Stormwater Requirements Cliff Notes

SDG&E Innovation Center 4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., San Diego, CA, United States

Updated Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO) and Storm Water Requirements Cliff Notes March 10th 2:30 pm – 5:00 pm SDGE Energy Innovation Center 4760 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92117 Register Here

Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee

High Dive 1801 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA, United States

Contribute to the discussion about significant historic landscapes in the San Diego region by joining the San Diego Chapter's Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee. Committee meetings are scheduled each month at the Living Room/Old [...]

SDASLA Executive Committee Meeting

Cardiff Library 2081 Newcastle Ave, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, United States

  Executive Committee Meeting Schedule Members and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. The following are the dates and [...]

Executive Committee Meeting

Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San Diego

Members and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on January 19. If [...]

ASLASD Stewardship Committee

DeLorenzo International 3990 Old Town Avenue, Ste A-204, San Diego, CA, United States

ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting 6pm RSVP to Jackie Higgins at


Spring Lecture – Andrea Cochran on Immersive Landscapes

We are excited to announce that Andrea Cochran, FASLA, will be speaking on Immersive Landscapes at our Spring Lecture on Thursday, April 21st at the Woodbury School of Architecture at 6pm. Ms. Cochran will discuss [...]

ASLASD Stewardship Committee

Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San Diego

ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting 6pm RSVP to Jackie Higgins at


La Jolla Secret Garden Tour

Wisteria Cottage 780 Prospect Street, La Jolla, CA, United States

San Diego ASLA Chapter Historic American Landscape Survey Committee Invites you to The Secret Garden Tour of La Jolla Saturday, May 14th, 2016 10 am - 4 pm Purchase Tickets Online Pick up Tour Map [...]

$50 – $150

Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS) Committee

High Dive Bar and Grill 1801 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA, United States

Join us at our monthly HALS Committee Meeting 5:30 pm, Living Room/Old Town RSVP to

Chapter Executive Committee Meeting

Cardiff Library 2081 Newcastle Ave, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, United States

Members and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. The following are the dates and locations for our Board meetings [...]

Design Awards 2016

McMillin Event Center 2875 Dewey Road, San Diego, CA, United States

The ASLA San Diego Design Awards are the ultimate recognition of design achievement for firms and projects in the San Diego region and for firms with outstanding projects completed in San Diego. Come and join [...]

$35 – $450

ASLASD Stewardship Committee

Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San Diego

ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting 6pm RSVP to Jackie Higgins at


Emerging Professionals Committee – Crash Course on Grading+Drainage

Wynn-Smith Landscape Architecture, Inc. 12315 Oak Knoll Rd, Poway, CA, United States

  Crash Course on Grading and Drainage with Mesa College Instructor Tim Smith, ASLA RSVP by June 1 to Katie Hartman @ Meeting Time: 6 - 7:30 pm  (Meeting location will be emailed to [...]

Chapter Executive Committee Meeting

Schmidt Design Group 1111 Sixth Ave #500, San Diego, CA, United States

Members and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. The following are the dates and locations for our Board meetings [...]

ASLA Board of Directors Nominations – We Need You!

ASLA Office 1050 Rosecrans St, Ste B, San Diego, CA, United States

SDASLA 2016-2017 Executive Committee Nominations - Deadline to nominate is Friday, July 15 by 5 pm ASLA San Diego encourages you to participate in the Chapter’s leadership by serving as an officer, Vice President or California [...]

A Casual Summer Evening – Sponsored by Modern Builders Supply Inc.

A Casual Summer Evening - Sponsored by Modern Builders Supply Inc. Free cocktails & Beverages Catering by: Pamplemousse Grille Music by 33: 1/3 Guest Speaker: Scott Cadam RSVP Link: Modern Builders Event Flyer 6.29.16

ASLA Community Grant Application Available

ASLA Office 1050 Rosecrans St, Ste B, San Diego, CA, United States

$5,000 Reimbursable Grant Award - Application Submittal Deadline - August 12 Know of a community group that is ready to start a new landscape project in their neighborhood by the end of 2016?  If so, [...]

Communications Committee

Help spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]