Executive Committee
Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San DiegoMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on February 16. If [...]
Newsletter Deadline
ASLA Members, Sponsors and Vendors may send articles of interest to the Chapter including new staff announcements, awards received, Board or Commission appointments and other noteworthy accomplishments. The newsletter is published quarterly (Jan, April, July [...]
ASLA Industry Happy Hour
Bottle Craft 2820 Historic Decatur Road, San Diego, CA, United StatesASLASD March Industry Happy Hour Thursday, March 2 5:30 - 7:30 pm Liberty Station Public Market- Bottle Craft 2820 Historic Decatur Road San Diego, CA 92106 Register for this free event at this LINK. Seattle has [...]
Communications Committee
Conference Call CA, United StatesHelp spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]
Stewardship Committee
Coast to Coast LA 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month's ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting @ 6pm at 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA 92117-4340. RSVP to Jackie Higgins at Jackie@c2cld.com
Executive Committee
Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San DiegoMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on March 16 at [...]
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee
High Dive 1801 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month’s HALS (Historic American Landscape Survey) Committee meeting which is scheduled for Friday, March 17, 12 Noon at the High Dive on Morena Boulevard located at 1801 Morena Blvd, San Diego, [...]
Communications Committee
Conference Call CA, United StatesHelp spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]
ASLA Art Show – Enter your art by April 27
Grounded Landscape Architecture 420 N. Cedros Ave., #101, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesASLA 1st Annual Art Show Art Entry Guidelines - Enter by April 27 Art Show - May 13 - OBR Architecture Entry Guidelines Below Print Event Flyer HERE ASLA San Diego has partnered with OBR [...]
Stewardship Committee
Coast to Coast LA 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month's ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting @ 6pm at 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA 92117-4340. RSVP to Jackie Higgins at Jackie@c2cld.com
ANOVA Sketch Crawl
Stella Public House 1429 Island Ave, San Diego, CA, United StatesRSVP by Fri, April 14 RSVP LINK ANOVA SKETCH CRAWL Sat, April 15 - 11 am to 4 pm Meet at 11 am at Stella Public House 1429 Island Ave, San Diego, CA 92101 On [...]
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee
Living Room 2541 San Diego Ave, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month’s HALS (Historic American Landscape Survey) Committee meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday, April 19, 5:30 pm at the Living Room in Old Town located at 2541 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, [...]
Grounded Landscape Architecture 420 N. Cedros Ave., #101, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on April 20 at [...]
ASLA National Chapter President’s Council (CPC) Meeting, Washington D.C.
ASLA National Chapter President's Council (CPC)/Trustee Meeting and Advocacy Day. For more information, go to www.ASLA.org
Emerging Professionals Committee
Gillespie Moody Patterson 4010 Sorrento Valley Blvd Suite 200, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this months Emerging Professionals Meeting from 6-8pm located at Gillespie Moody Patterson. RSVP to Katie Aalund at Katie@gmplandarch.com
Communications Committee
Conference Call CA, United StatesHelp spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]
Stewardship Committee
Coast to Coast LA 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month's ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting @ 6pm at 4343 Moreno Blvd, #9, San Diego, CA 92117-4340. RSVP to Jackie Higgins at Jackie@c2cld.com
Spring Lecture with Artists TJ Dixon & James Nelson and Barry Anderson, ASLA
Casa del Prado 1549 El Prado, Alhambra Rm, San Diego, CAASLA Spring Lecture - Thursday, May 11, 6:30 pm Casa del Prado, Botanical Society Building, Room 101 Members+Sponsors - Free with Registration at this LINK Non-ASLA Members+Public - $15 (plus processing fee) at this LINK [...]
Ray At Night Art Show @ OBR Architecture
OBR Architecture 3817 Ray Street, San Diego, CA, United StatesRay at Night Festival 1st Annual ASLA San Diego Landscape Architect Art Show Saturday, May 13 OBR Architecture 3817 Ray St, San Diego, CA 92104 Art Submittal Guidelines at this LINK RSVP by May 12 [...]
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee
Living Room 2541 San Diego Ave, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month’s HALS (Historic American Landscape Survey) Committee meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday, May 17, 5:30 pm at the Living Room in Old Town located at 2541 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, [...]