San Diego Chapter Executive Committee Nominations – Nominate by June 15
ASLA Office 1050 Rosecrans St, Ste B, San Diego, CA, United StatesASLA San Diego encourages you to participate in the Chapter’s leadership by serving as an Officer, Vice President or CA Council Director on the SDASLA Executive Committee. Service on the SDASLA Executive Committee will enable [...]
Endangered Historic Landscapes in San Diego
ASLA Office 1050 Rosecrans St, Ste B, San Diego, CA, United StatesKnow a part of San Diego where you believe the landscape is worthy of preserving and could be an "endangered" landscape? If so, the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee would like to hear from [...]
Meet the Fellows @ Thompson Building Materials Showroom
Thompson Building Materials 6618 Federal Blvd, Lemon GroveAIA (American Institute of Architects), APA (American Planning Association) and ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) will join our ASLA Fellow, Kathleen Garcia, FASLA, for a lively conversation about new development, local issues, and our [...]
Grounded Landscape Architecture 420 N. Cedros Ave., #101, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on May 18 at [...]
Fiesta Botanica in Balboa Park
Casa del Prado 1549 El Prado, Alhambra Rm, San Diego, CACelebrate all things botanical and come by the ASLA San Diego booth to enter our drawing for one of many native and low water plants. The event runs from 10 am to 3 pm in [...]
Newsletter Deadline
Newsletter articles due first week of June for programs/events occurring July - September. ASLA Members, Sponsors and Vendors may send articles of interest to the Chapter including new staff announcements, awards received, Board or Commission [...]
ASLA Community Grant Application – Due August 18
ASLA Office 1050 Rosecrans St, Ste B, San Diego, CA, United StatesHelp spread the word to your favorite community nonprofit who could benefit from the ASLA annual Community Grant. The grant application is mailed to over 300 nonprofits in the county and the application and support [...]
Tijuana Re-Imaged – Culture and Design Tour
San Ysidro Border Crossing 720 E. San Ysidro Blvd., San Diego, CA, United StatesTijuana Re-Imaged Culture and Design Tour Friday, June 2, 2017 8:00 am to 7:30 pm (Guests may return to the border earlier) Thanks to our tour sponsors [...]
Communications Committee
Conference Call CA, United StatesHelp spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]
Emerging Professionals Committee
Gillespie Moody Patterson 4010 Sorrento Valley Blvd Suite 200, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this months Emerging Professionals Meeting from 6-8pm located at Gillespie Moody Patterson. RSVP to Katie Aalund at
Stewardship Committee
Studio West Landscape 3645 Ruffin Road, Suite 235, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month's ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting @ 6pm at 3645 Ruffin Road, Suite 235, San Diego, CA 92123. RSVP to Michelle Landis at
Grounded Landscape Architecture 420 N. Cedros Ave., #101, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on June 15 at [...]
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee
High Dive 1801 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month’s HALS (Historic American Landscape Survey) Committee meeting which is scheduled for Friday, June 16 at 12 Noon at the High Dive on Morena Boulevard located at 1801 Morena Blvd, San [...]
Thompson Building Materials Summer Soiree
Thompson Building Materials 6618 Federal Blvd, Lemon GroveJoin us at Thompson Building Materials & Design Showroom for a fun and festive Summer Soiree! Mix and mingle with friends and fellow design professionals while enjoying live music, craft cocktails and culinary delights from [...]
Communications Committee
Conference Call CA, United StatesHelp spread the word about the landscape architecture profession and ASLA member projects by joining us for a monthly conference call to share ideas to publicly promote landscape architecture and landscape architects. Email our Chapter [...]
Stewardship Committee
Studio West Landscape 3645 Ruffin Road, Suite 235, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month's ASLASD Stewardship Committee Meeting @ 6pm at 3645 Ruffin Road, Suite 235, San Diego, CA 92123. RSVP to Michelle Landis at
“Women in the Dirt” Movie Night – Hosted by ANOVA
Liberty Station 2455 Cushing Road, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin ASLA San Diego and ANOVA for a movie under the stars Movie Night, Tacos and Beer Sponsored by ANOVA Furnishings at Liberty Station Park Tacos/Beer Served 6 to 8 pm Movie 7:30 [...]
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS) Committee
Living Room 2541 San Diego Ave, San Diego, CA, United StatesJoin us at this month’s HALS (Historic American Landscape Survey) Committee meeting which is scheduled for Wednesday, July 19, 5:30 pm at the Living Room in Old Town located at 2541 San Diego Avenue, San Diego, [...]
Grounded Landscape Architecture 420 N. Cedros Ave., #101, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesMembers and potential members are invited to attend our monthly SDASLA Executive Committee meetings held at 6 pm on the third Thursday each month. This month we are scheduled to meet on July 20 at [...]
Sustainable Strategies Series – Plant Leaders, Specifiers and Maintenance
Silver Gate Yacht Club 2091 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego, CA, United StatesASLA Stewardship Committee invites you to learn more about Sustainable Strategies for Plant Leaders, Specifiers and Maintenance Sponsored by Village Nurseries Friday, August 4 1 pm Registration 1:30 - 3:30 pm Workshop / 3:30 - [...]