UCLA Extension LARE Prep Courses Winter 2020 February 21-23, 2020
Westwood Village 1010 Westwood Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, United StatesUCLA Extension LARE Prep Courses Winter 2020 February 21-23- 2020 All sessions are in Westwood Village in Los Angeles adjacent to UCLA Campus 1010 Westwood Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90024 Taught by Angela Woodward, ASLA, [...]
Executive Committee Reports Sent for March Board Agenda
Executive Committee Reports Sent for February Board Agenda
Emerging Professionals – LARE Review
Rick Engineering 5620 Friars Road, San DiegoLARE Review Wednesday, February 26 6 pm @ Rick Engineering RSVP to Erik@RickEngineering.com
Executive Committee Meeting- 6pm- Van Dyke Landscape Architecture
Van Dyke Landscape Architects 462 Stevens Ave Ste 107, Solana Beach, CA, United StatesExecutive Committee Meeting- 6pm- Van Dyke Landscape Architecture- 462 Stevens Ave, Ste 107 Solana Beach 92075
Executive Committee Reports Sent for April Board Agenda
Executive Committee Reports Sent for April Board Agenda
HALS – Historic American Landscape Survey – Online Meeting
OnlineThis month's HALS meeting will occur online on March 25th. Invitations will be sent to regular attendees, but is open to anyone interested. If you would like a link and call in number, please email [...]
Executive Committee Meeting- 6 pm- Mira Costa College with Student Affiliate Chapter
Mira Costa College 1 Barnard Dr, Room 7057, Oceanside, CAExecutive Committee Meeting- 6 pm- Mira Costa College. 1 Barnard Dr, Room 7057, Oceanside. More information will be provided for room location and parking.
(HALS) Historic American Landscape Survey Committee Meeting- April 11- 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Marston House 3525 7th Ave, San Diego, CA(HALS) Historic American Landscape Survey Committee Meeting- April 11- 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Stewardship Award Nominations – Nominate by May 29
OnlineThe San Diego Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects initiated the SDASLA Stewardship Award to recognize local leadership that has contributed significantly to environmental progress, vision and stewardship or a combination of these [...]
Executive Committee Reports Sent for May Board Agenda
Executive Committee Reports Sent for May Board Agenda
Executive Committee Meeting- 6pm-Online
OnlineExecutive Committee Meeting- 6pm- Online
HALS – Historic American Landscape Survey – Online Meeting
OnlineThis month's HALS meeting will occur online on May 13th. Invitations will be sent to regular attendees, but is open to anyone interested. If you would like a link and call in number, please email [...]
Executive Committee Reports Sent for June Board Agenda
Executive Committee Reports Sent for June Board Agenda
2021 Community Grant Application
The ASLA San Diego Community Grant was established in 1997 as a result of the Chapter’s commitment to the local community. Non-profit organizations (with a three year history) that are registered with the California Secretary [...]
Executive Committee Meeting- 6 pm – Conference Call
OnlineExecutive Committee Meeting- 6 - 8 pm- Contact Chris Brown for Conference call information.
(HALS) Historic American Landscape Survey Committee Meeting- June 17- 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Marston House 3525 7th Ave, San Diego, CA(HALS) Historic American Landscape Survey Committee Meeting- June 17- 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Executive Committee Reports Sent for July Board Agenda
Executive Committee Reports Sent for July Board Agenda
Executive Committee Meeting- 6pm- Online/Phone
OnlineExecutive Committee Meeting- 6pm- Online/Phone Email ASLASD@sbcglobal.net if you want to receive a link to attend the online meeting.
Junior Achievement Virtual Career Fair Kickoff- Share your Story
Junior Achievement Virtual Career Fair Starts July 6 Junior Achievement has decided to do virtual summer camps. They are determining how to involve volunteers with virtual career chats with campers and/or mock interviews. The camp [...]
2020 Excellence in Design Awards Reimagined – Pre-Register by July 1
OnlineASLA SAN DIEGO CHAPTER 2020 Excellence in Design Awards and Stewardship Award Presentations COME JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF CELEBRATION! Pre-Register at this LINK (Zoom invitation will be sent after pre-registration). The ASLA San [...]