San Diego Chapter Executive Committee Nominations – Nominate by June 15
May 19, 2017 @ 8:00 am - June 15, 2017 @ 5:00 pm
ASLA San Diego encourages you to participate in the Chapter’s leadership by serving as an Officer, Vice President or CA Council Director on the SDASLA Executive Committee. Service on the SDASLA Executive Committee will enable you to learn more about your profession and enjoy the benefits of networking and working with fellow members of your industry.
Simply review Executive Committee position qualifications, complete your information, check where you are interested in serving and fax the Nomination Form to SDASLA. We will contact you to discuss your interest in serving on SDASLA’s 2017-2018 Executive Committee.
The following positions are open for nomination this year:
- President Elect (Full/Fellow/3 year term): Assists President and presides in President’s absence. Assumes Presidency in cases of illness or resignation. Coordinates all chapter fundraising (annual sponsorships and golf tournament). Attends ASLA Mid-Year Legislative and National Conference Chapter Presidents Council meetings. Support Emerging Professionals & Students. Serves as President and Past President the following 2 years. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
- Treasurer (Full/Fellow/2 year term): Custodian of chapter funds, prepares monthly/quarterly financial reports on monthly income & expenses and present reports at monthly Executive Committee meetings. Prepares budget each October/November with President and President Elect. Prepares end of the year Treasurer’s report for tax filing. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
- California Council of ASLA Board Rep (Full/Fellow/2 year term): Represents San Diego Chapter to provide feedback and direction on state laws, regulations and policies impacting landscape architects in California. Works with other three CA ASLA Chapters to defend state licensure and the industry with state policy makers and regulators. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
- Secretary (Full/Fellow/Associate/1 year term): Gather monthly Executive Committee agenda items & take/transcribe minutes at meetings and distributes to Board. Coordinates Executive Committee candidate nomination. Notifies candidates of their election each Aug/Sept. Maintains Constitution, Bylaws, Board Roster and ED contract. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
- VP Membership (Full/Fellow/2 year term): Coordinates membership recruitment/retention efforts and provides Exec Com Membership Roster updates. Collects articles and submits list of chapter events to newsletter/ website manager, monthly website review/update. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
- VP Social Activities (Full/Fellow/2 year term): Coordinates social activities and supports logistics of Annual Meeting/Holiday Event, Design Awards, Lecture, Stewardship, Golf Tournament and other activities. Submits list of events for newsletter and website. Attends/reports at monthly Executive Committee.
For a full description of each Board position description email ASLASD@sbcglobal.net or call (619) 283-8818.