EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED – Point Loma Native Plant Garden Volunteer Work Party
April 14, 2018 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
ASLA is joining up with the San Diego River Park Foundation for a morning of volunteering at the Point Loma Native Plant Garden.
Please join us on Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 9:00 am to 12 Noon at the: Point Loma Native Plan Garden, 4444 Greene Street, San Diego, CA 92107.
This garden is a hidden gem in the Point Loma/Ocean Beach area that features many rare and endangered native plant species found along the San Diego River. Volunteers for this event will be immersed in our local ecology while assisting with garden improvement and maintenance tasks of all sorts.
All ages are welcome to help care for this wonderful community resource; and your work will help to keep this special place beautiful for visitors and maintain native habitats for birds, insects, and lizards.
RSVP is required, there please email volunteer@sandiegoriver.org. Additional details will be shared upon RSVP.