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DSA is currently accepting applications to serve on the Public School Construction Advisory Board (see email below). More information including the DSA 550 Advisory application, and the draft charter are available on the Public School Construction Advisory Board webpage. The office of the State Architect would love to see the architecture profession represented.

DSA Public School Construction Advisory Board – Seeking Members

The Division of the State Architect (DSA) is pleased to announce the reestablishment of the Public School Construction Advisory Board (Advisory Board). The Advisory Board will provide a diverse representative body of industry stakeholders to serve in an advisory role on public school construction matters under DSA’s jurisdiction. To that end, DSA seeks qualified individuals to serve as stakeholder representatives on the Advisory Board. Feel free to share this announcement with your membership.

The Advisory Board will work with DSA staff to offer industry input and feedback on issues related to the design and construction of K-12 schools and community colleges; recommend solutions to DSA addressing client and design professional needs; and identify opportunities to inform stakeholders and improve collaboration on the design and construction of public schools.

Qualified individuals can apply to serve on the Advisory Board or be nominated by submitting the attached application. A draft Advisory Board Charter is attached for background information, and will be finalized with selected members. Interested stakeholder applicants must submit the attached (also available on the DSA Forms webpageDSA 550 Advisory Board Membership Application to the State Architect by Friday, August 7, 2020.

Selection of individuals for the Advisory Board will begin in mid-August. Once selected and individuals are confirmed, DSA will announce the new Advisory Board members, share individual biographies, and provide additional information. Those who are selected to serve on the Advisory Board will be required to attend an orientation and training in the Fall of 2020. The initial Advisory meeting will be held in January 2021 with meetings anticipated to be scheduled a minimum of two to a maximum of six times during each 18-month code development cycle.

Thank you for your continued interest in DSA’s efforts to improve partnership in the design and construction of public schools.

Completed applications or questions can be sent to the DSA Advisory Board Coordinator at dsaab@dgs.ca.gov

Gonzalo Juárez

Advisory Board Coordinator

Division of the State Architect
State of California » Department of General Services
1102 Q Street Suite 5100 Sacramento, CA 95811

Phone 916.324.8932
Email gonzalo.juarez@dgs.ca.gov




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