ANOVA ASLA Annual Meeting Grant Competition
April 13, 2018 @ 12:00 am - May 14, 2018 @ 1:59 am
| FreeANOVA is bringing back our annual Emerging Professionals grant competition for 2018. To be eligible, an entrant must be an Associate ASLA member or Full ASLA member who has earned a degree or advanced degree in landscape architecture during or after January 1, 2008.
Submission process runs from April 13th through May 14th, 2018. For those interested in pre-registering for the competition, a text option has been created which will simply send you four text messages to remind you of the submission deadlines.
This year we will be asking emerging professionals to respond to “Describe a space that influenced your career in landscape architecture, which can help others relate to the profession.”
Submit a short essay and a quick napkin sketch for the opportunity to win a $2,000 grant to fund your attendance at the ASLA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
Judging will be based on the following: written essay (30%), napkin sketch (30%), and overall presentation of all entry materials (40%). The panel of three practicing Landscape Architects will select the 21 best responses.
For full details, go to: http://www.anovafurnishings.com/2018ASLAGrant; and to learn more about the judging criteria, under Judging, click on FAQ.