“Our creativity and innovative applications continue to result in award-winning landscapes with a genuine ‘spirit of place,’” said San Diego landscape architect David Reed.

Reed’s first year studying engineering at Rutgers was very difficult; while he managed to survive, he became very disenchanted.

“Then I met some bohemian-type guys who were doing fascinating drawings,” Reed recalled. “I said, ‘What is this?’ and the most bohemian one of them said, ‘Hey man, this is landscape architecture.’

“I was hooked,” he said. “What I didn’t realize at the time was that, since I grew up spending most of my youthful time in a park designed by the Olmsted Brothers, I had already been greatly influenced by the magic of landscape.”

Reed changed his major at Rutgers to landscape architecture, and graduated cum laude in 1972.

Forty-five years later, he still believes the landscape can be a very special and powerful place.

“I view my art and profession of landscape architecture as a vehicle for improving not just the quality of life, but increasing the awareness of its sanctity,” he said.

Reed has been practicing landscape architecture in San Diego since 1980 and founded his own firm — David Reed, Landscape Architects (drasla.com) — in 1982.

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