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LEED Green Associate Education Session

LEED Green Associate (GA) Training

Live webinars that can be streamed on any of the following dates

August 23 2020 – 1 – 5 PM EDT
September 12 2020 – 2 – 6 PM EDT
September 30 2020 – 5 – 9 PM EDT
October 17 2020 – 1 – 5 PM EDT
(The above options are all identical)
You can register here for a webinar – https://leadinggreen.com/webinars
Or start today by taking the on-demand recorded version at your own pace here – https://leadinggreen.com/online
This course is instructed by a USGBC Faculty member and is the most effective way to pass. The USGBC charges a $100 (reduced for students) fee for the actual exam which can now be taken online from home. Save money by reserving your spot today and make a positive difference in your career!
Cost: $200 – Members can use the coupon code ‘sust’ for $50 if you are paying out of your own pocket.
Or online on-demand here –  https://leadinggreen.com/online
Please contact the instructor Lorne directly with any questions at info@leadinggreen.com


August 23, 2020
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Event Category:

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