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PARK(ing) Day is about two weeks away on Friday, September 16th and the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA)NEEDS YOUR HELP to spread the word and participate. 


The San Diego chapter would like to encourage all members to participate in this special day. This is a great opportunity to express the importance of parks in our urban and public realm and MAKE A STATEMENT AROUND THE WORLD. If you are interested in Park(ing) Day and want to set up a parklet it’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. 

1. Set one up! Just setting up a simple parking space on Friday, September 16th with a few plants and chairs can make a big statement in your neighborhood (see photo below). If you are concerned about the legal ramifications of this space, just pay the meter! The City of San Diego and surrounding Cities in the county are in general support of this event and will not hassle you if you are in a legal parking spot. If you have further questions/concerns reach out to your local politician(s)/city code enforcement staff and gain their support, most of them are all for this amazing day.  

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2. Announce it. Use the hashtag #ASLAPD16 on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to share your PARK(ing) Day parklet or see more parklets from around the world at www.asla.org. ASLA national staff will pick a favorite professional and student PARK(ing) Day parklet with the hashtag #ASLAPD16 and feature them in a congratulatory advertisement in Landscape Architecture Magazine!

3. Enjoy the day!  Enjoy this wonderful day in your parklet and tell people about the importance of parks. ASLA is also supporting participating members by providing handout materials such as shirts and flyers.

To obtain handout materials email Matt Wilkins at mattw@ktua.com. If you cannot setup a parklet, please support the day by telling folks about a local parklet, participating at one and/or re-tweeting/re-posting photos of these amazing parklets.

Click here to download the PARK-ing Day Manual.
Click here for the poster to promote your Parklet.
Click here for a collector’s poster to promote the day itself.

Thank you for your participation and we look forward to the many great Park(ing) Day parklets in the region.

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